3 Holistic facts that will blow your mind

Interesting holistic facts that will surprise you

1- The sewing machine has been invented by Elias Howe during a dream. 

We are all aware that many songs and movies have been created under dreams but when it comes to technical machine, it is harder to believe, right ? 

And still in the mid of 1800s, Elias Howe, American inventor, made a strange dream where he was captured by a dangerous tribe, and he had 24 hours to invent a sewing machine, or he would die. 

When he woke up, all came clear in his mind and he could finalize his plans, he was working on for years. 

I like to see this story as an invitation to start to write down your dreams, you will never know what you will find.

2- Ancient bowls of Tibet would have been made from meteorite iron.

This is, which may be the reason why Tibetan bowls had such amazing sounds, connected to an "extraterrestrial" spirituality. The beliefs were that the bowls had supernatural powers, able to control the weather or to drove away demons, according to the book Himalayan sound revelations by Frank Perry

No one have never be able to reproduce such bowls with these particular sounds after. What is more, science studies have proven there is no organ system in the human body that is not affected by sounds, music and vibrations. It is like our body is a sounding board. 

Be mindful of what you listen, it might impact you more than you know ! 

3-Listening to our intuition can help us to be more successful in our professional life.

One study made during 10 years on the extrasensory perception on businessmen, directed by Douglas Dean & John Mihalasky, authors of the book "Executive ESP", has proven that businessmen that were trusting more their intuitions and taking risks based on a feeling were earning more money and had more success than the ones that based their decisions on facts and logic.

How interesting is that ? Maybe, it is time to listen to our inner guidance ! 

I like to learn stories about old traditions, beliefs and culture that were supported wellness for the human being, in ancient times, and how we could learn from it and apply it in our modern world, creating more connection between past and present, and hopefully for a better and brighter future.


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