Yoga teacher spiritual mexico

Who I am ?

Hi everyone, my name is Floriane, but you can call me Flo. I am French but live in Mexico the past 4 years.

Early Years

I was born in Nantes, France, into a happy middle-class family, with loving parents and an older brother. I didn't miss of anything However, I was a sensitive and strong-willed little girl, I had difficulty following society codes and had no many filters. Which led me to be rejected for several years by children in my school. It was a difficult period that I hid from those around me because I was ashamed of it. I felt extremely alone. But afterward, this experience allowed me to become an empathetic and understanding person, not wishing in any way to inflict the pain that I had experienced on anyone. I came out of this period with more maturity and already awakened to mental well-being.

Business life

Very early on, I dreamed of great travels and adventures, so I chose to study foreign languages ​​applied to international trade. After 6 years of study and many enriching stays abroad, UK, Spain, China, I obtained my Master degree. A very happy period of my life, full of encounters, travels and discoveries. I was convinced at this time that I wanted an international career and a job with responsibility, so I accepted a first job offer in Paris at the end of my studies in import-export and I lock myself in a monotonous life. But very quickly, I had a deep feeling of boredom and emptiness, although I was surrounded by many good friends and colleagues. I was longed for something else.

A calling

Latin America was calling me. I had that strong conviction that I needed to go there. My departure took place in August 2019, 13 months of incredible travels followed, strike, curfew, road blockage and covid virus, nothing went as planned and yet, I decided not to return to France. I stayed despite the global anxiety-provoking climate, with the conviction that I had to listen to my heart. I stayed 6 months in Nicaragua voluntarily. And it was there that the magic happened.

My awaking and connection with the world of yoga. I came back to Europe and I did 200 hours Vinyasa and Yin yoga Teacher training in a well-recognized Yoga School, (Yoga Academy International).

New life

I am now passionate about yoga lifestyle in which I shared common values. A return to simple things, nature, to the present moment, to mind and physical well-being, an inner balance that resonated deeply in me.

But I refused to start my teaching career behind a screen, so I decided to go to Mexico, a country that never closed its borders during the global pandemic. I settled myself in Puerto Escondido, a small seaside town on the Pacific coast, renowned for its surfing.

After 4 years of teaching, I learned a lot. Naturally, my interest went towards other wellness practices like sound healing or how to help the body to relax through the power of sound and vibration (Thanks to the community The Elephant bowl). My path also leaded me to beautiful cacao ceremonies where I learned how to host sacred cacao ceremony, ancestral indigenous rituals inspired by the Maya, that give you the key to open your heart for which I discovered a great interest.

Today, I have finally found my calling and use my energy to help others.

I guide people seeking for more well-being and self-connection to feel better in their body and mind thanks to various tools of holistic medicine.

It will be an honor to help you safely, deepen your spiritual & physical practices, to reconnect with your self-guidance to find you too, the path that belongs to you.

Follow my journey


Find out my values

You feel connected or touched by what I just said ? Find out if we share common values & let’s figure it out if I can become the right guide for you !