Sound Healing

“In sound, we are born, in sound we are healed” - Methab Benton

What is a Sound healer?

It is a practitioner who learn how to use toning, music, chanting & vibration from instruments & sometimes the voice to stimulate self-healing in the clients. Usually, Tibetan bowls and/or crystal bowls are used. However, they can be combined with a various range of instruments like shamanic drum, flute, handpan, gong and bells... creating a full universe of sounds, individual to each sound healer. Even if they have learned specific technics and play with the intensity, speed and combination of instruments, they are usually guiding by their intuition, making every single experience, unique.

Sound healing have been used for thousand of years in ancient civilizations including Himalaya area, China, India but also in Egypt and other African countries. Scientific researches show that it can slow down our brain waves & bring our body into a deep state of relaxation, between the wake and sleep state, reducing tensions, anger, fatigue and depression. It can also help to reduce chronic pain.

Open yourself to the great healing power of sounds, music and vibrations and book your therapy ! :-)

My Sound healing therapies

  • Soudn healing therapy mexico puerto escondido

    Private therapy.

    I propose you an uplifting & magical experience. Open yourself to the power of the sound & vibration by gifting yourself one hour private therapy. It includes meditation, body harmonization & cleansing aura, belly, chest & spine massage by vibration to feel it directly through your body. Rediscover this ancestral therapy & book now your private session with me at Puerto Escondido, Mexico.

  • Sound healing therapy Puerto Escondido

    Group therapy.

    For a special event, retreat, private ceremony, yoga teacher training, wellness festival… Do not hesitate to ask for a group session from 15 min to an hour according to your need. You will travel with my music to a world of deep relaxation, free of stress & tension. Rediscover this ancestral journey & book your group session with me at Puerto Escondido, Mexico.

“Not in Puerto Escondido? No problems, book your online private sound bath with me from the comfort of your home.”

Don’t be shy and let’s reach out !

Sound healing testimonials

« One word : Wow! I could not imagine that sound could be so powerful. The vibration of the bowls made my mind travel to other dimension in no time. I recommend Flo’s therapy 100%.»

— Sabine, 31, France

« First time I tried a sound therapy, I did not know what to expect. It was a great experience! Flo managed to bring me into deep relaxation & felt comfortable during the whole therapy.»

— James, 37, USA

Sharing with love cacao ceremony puerto escondido Mexico altar

Have you heard about Cacao ceremony?

Mexico is a magical land and the products we can find there have been used for a couple of thousands of years improving people’s life. Cacao is one example, cultivated by the Mayas, more than 2500 years ago.