Yoga, Sound Healing, Cacao ceremony

Puerto Escondido, Mexico, from Nov 2024

Currently in Nantes, France

“In the end, enjoying life’s experience is the only rational thing to do.”

yoga puerto escondido spiritual events

Away for Low Season

Dear Puerto Community, I am currently spending summer out of Puerto Escondido, until beginning of November 2024.

I am using this time to reset, recharge and work even deeper on myself to be able to always offering you the best services & teaching once I am back.

You can find me this summer in Nantes, France, where I will keep hosting beautiful and uplifting healing events. Stay posted !



Yoga online class private teacher

Book your Online Yoga classes

I am now offering private Online yoga classes and Sound bath.

Book your private session with me, the time you need, directly from your home, individual one or in group.

Deepen your yoga practice or enjoy a relaxing and mindful moments to let go tensions and stress from the comfort of your place.

Your session can be in English, Spanish or French.

First time with me ? I have a special price for you !

Upcoming Yoga retreat

  • Women Yoga retreat spiritual Mexico 2025

    Women Yoga Retreat "Rewild your life"

    January 15-19th, 2025, Mazunte, Mexico

    Who wants to join us on a sisterhood journey to a magically wild, well-preserved nature of the Pacific coast of Mexico ? An invitation to come back to your wild state, away from your day-to-day stress.

My offer

  • Yoga girl  reverse lotus Puerto Escondido


    For me, Yoga it is not just a physical practice but a real lifestyle. My practice includes different style of yoga like vinyasa, yin yoga but also pranayamas and meditation. Click below to learn more and find where I teach my classes.

  • girl holding a tibetan bowl nature background

    Sound Healing

    There are no organ system in the body that it is not affected by sound, music and vibration. Healing music has a great power. It can penetrate different layers of your body & brain. Click below to learn more and discover my therapies.

  • Cacao ritual altar ceremony mexico

    Cacao Ceremony

    Mexico is a deep spiritual & magical land.The ancient civilizations like the Maya & the Aztecs were using the power of natural plants to heal people. Cacao was one of them. Click below to learn more & maybe joining me in my upcoming cacao ceremony.

Organizing a Bachelorette or a Birthday party ?

Your friend is getting married & you are in charge of the Bachelorette party ? Or you would like to celebrate your birthday not as the usual way this time ? You are dreaming of a special event, a magical moment for you & your friends in Puerto Escondido, Mexico ?

I can help you on that and offering you a special package for your bachelorette & birthday party. Including a cacao ceremony, but also different other holistic activities and personalized gifts.

Contact me to learn more !