Cacao Ceremony

“Cacao is a tool to open your heart.”

Cacao ceromony ‘s insight

Cacao ceremony is as sacred ritual inspired by the Maya, who were using it as a key element of their ancient civilization. Cacao was mean to heal, reconnect and guide people, prepared and shared with great respect from a Healer or Shaman.

Pure cacao is used, prepared in a sacred way with water & spices, as a heart opening for people. It is a gentle stimulant that increases the blood flow to the brain, creating more mental agility, awareness & focus. Cacao help to relieve emotional stress. Cacao ceremony is actually a recent term, and the content of it can vary depending on the ceremony facilitator (or healer). Ancient cultures did not have the same active life we do today, so the need for a ceremonial break is something that appears with our current lifestyle. People usually sit in a circle and set intentions, pray, sing together, meditate with beautiful music or sound healing. Cacao ceremony is a magical moment for me that allow people to feel connected to themselves & others. It is a moment of sharing & connection that old civilizations were also using to create bonds between tribes. It is an uplifting experience in a safe & welcoming community. Come with an open heart & mind & let you surprise by the power of Cacao.

I feel called by this spiritual practice 4 years ago & since that moment I put all my energy to learn more about the art of preparing ceremonial cacao, on my own by reading & practicing but also from experienced indigenous guides like the Abuelita Ana Luisa Solis Gil from Mexico but also Tata Izaias S Mendoza from Guatemala.

It is now with great respect for this culture & with a lot of love that I also host & organize Cacao rituals in Puerto Escondido, in Mexico.

You can find more info on my upcoming cacao ceremony here or book directly a private group ceremony for you & your friends.

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