3 Holistic facts that will blow your mind
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

3 Holistic facts that will blow your mind

How these surprising spiritual facts will actually blow your mind and make you rethink about your perception and comprehension of this world.

Just as we see the wind through the movement of the leaves and branches, there are things in this world that cannot be seen but can be felt.

Here 3 of these interesting holistic facts >>

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My 4 favorite Breath exercises and why
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

My 4 favorite Breath exercises and why

Breath exercises, or Pranayamas, one of the eight limbs of yoga. Pranayama in Sanskrit means literally the expansion of the life force. They can be efficient tools to support your well-being, to practice on a daily basis, even a few minutes a day. Today I am sharing with you, 4 exercises that resonated with me and their benefits. 

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The importance of rituals in your life, or how to stay grounded when you face change.
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

The importance of rituals in your life, or how to stay grounded when you face change.

Do you feel overwhelmed by your emotions, ungrounded, out of alignment due to a recent change in your life ?

I wrote this article to give you some awareness to the importance of implementing your own rituals in your daily life. These little sacred actions that allow you to fill your cup with energy and good intentions, to be able to face calmly any hardships or changes in your life and restoring as the same time your emotional well-being. Good reading !

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Who wants to join us on a Women’s yoga retreat in January 2025?
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

Who wants to join us on a Women’s yoga retreat in January 2025?

Need a fresh start ? Feeling stuck in your life and would like to open your mind to new ideas and opportunities ? Our upcoming women yoga retreat in Mazunte, Mexico in January 2025 is made for you! An invitation to REWILD your life and to work deeply on yourself through different healing practices. Ready for some adventure time ? Come and join us on our girl's trip.

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4 reasons why I believe our upcoming retreat will be a transformational moment
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

4 reasons why I believe our upcoming retreat will be a transformational moment

It is not easy to welcome change and transformation in our life. It actually takes a great courage to step into a healing journey, the unknown, finding a more authentic and unique version of ourselves. I have been through this, these past four years, and today I am at your service if you feel the need for guidance, helping you to explore the depth of yourself. In this article, my honest opinion why I do believe our next upcoming retreat will be a transformational moment and why you should join us. Are you ready for transformation?

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Working on our shadows
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

Working on our shadows

“Brighter is the light, Darker is the shadows”

Working on our shadows must be done to heal fully. Expressing difficult & uneasy emotions should not be avoided or repressed.

By accepting them, the way they come, we allow them to be processed and released in a healthy way.

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Bring colors into your life
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

Bring colors into your life

Have you ever question yourself if actually the outfit you are wearing is something you do like, or it is something the system is expecting from you?

In this short article, I explain how I have decided to bring colors into my life. More than just colorful outfits, it has been a way for me to spiritually awake myself.

To free my mind from any limited beliefs.

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Tribute to my ancestors
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

Tribute to my ancestors

This text came to me, one night, during an intensive 3 weeks yoga retreat. It was a time when I was focusing a lot on my personal practice & felt very align with myself. I channeled these words, and I am glad to share with you today. A tribute to the past, to enjoy fully the present with the wish to provide a better world to live in, to the next generation.

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Happy 2 years in my new path
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

Happy 2 years in my new path

Changing life is not easy. Sometimes you know, you took the right direction but most of the time, you are overwhelmed by doubts. I will celebrate 2 years in Puerto Escondido, Mexico & I’ve never been, so happy. But Life is never a quiet river…

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Letter to Myself
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

Letter to Myself

Have you ever tried this exercise to write a letter to your future self ? A letter that you cannot open at least for a year. Enough time for letting slowly the words you wrote fading away out of your memory, until the time you open this letter again. We do not realize, but the words of encouragement sometimes we need, are already inside us. Never forget, you are your first best friend.

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My awakening to Yoga
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

My awakening to Yoga

Things happened into your life in a way you do not realize at that time, that life could have been so different if you had not taken these choices instead of others.

My awakening to yoga is literally the addition of decisions that guided me toward the ways of yoga.

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What is a Yoga retreat & what can you expect ?
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

What is a Yoga retreat & what can you expect ?

A yoga retreat, it might have been in the back of your head for a moment, but you never dare yet to try one. And if I was helping you to understand what it is exactly, & what you can expect ? No more excuses after that, to go for it ! It is time to take care of you !

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Be yourself
Floriane Brossaud Floriane Brossaud

Be yourself

These words are about finding the balance that works for you, and you only. It is about embracing who you are the way you are, with love & respect.

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken said Oscar Wilde, I fully agree.

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