Have you ever wondered what is Holistic medicine ?

Holistic medicine, Holistic health or the Spirit medicine

It is an approach of life, a treatment that deals with the person as a whole -body, mind, spirit, and emotions - instead of the sickness or injury. According to ancient indigenous tribes, the beginning of an illness starts with an unprocessed strong emotion, an unbalance in the energy fields. Legends even said that the first sickness on earth was Fear. And from the fear all sicknesses had their source. One and unique disease with infinite manifestations.

What about scientific studies ?

A lot of holistic medicines are hard to study with science, as they never have the exact same results on people. Science needs consistency and repetitive results, which is hardly possible with this approach.

Every single human is unique, so is this medicine, as it treats an individual on his/her whole. There is no one miracle recipe that cures us all, actually no one will heal you but yourself.

How does Holistic medicine work ?

It is an invitation to the sick person to work deeply internally on himself/herself and explore what are the roots of his/her disease. It is about restoring connection between the mind, the emotions, the spirit and the body. For some people, Yoga and meditation will make a great change, for others it will be breathwork, sound therapy or a new food’s diet that will make a positive impact. The sick person has to find what actually works for him/her by listening to the subtle and quiet language of his/her mind and body that we called intuition. The idea is to not wait to be sick to start to heal yourself, but instead to implement a day-to-day practice that restore the individual's inner balance.

Holistic health has been used for thousand of years in many ancient civilizations, well documented throughout history if we know where to find the information.

Without rejecting the Western medicine, which has shown many times great results, how can we combine these two approaches in our modern world, enjoying the best of both worlds  ?

What do you think about this definition? Anything I missed ? 


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