The importance of rituals in your life, or how to stay grounded when you face change.

Human beings, animal of habits.

The human being is an animal of habits. There is nothing better than the things we know, things we can control, that we can plan. It feels safe and relaxing. Our heart is quiet and at peace. No surprises expected.

However, if there is something that we can know for certain, it is that nothing is permanent in life, change is the constant of our world.

The dualities that we must face.

How not to feel overwhelmed by our emotions, then, when we face a change? 

A new job, a new place we move in, a break-up, a new love story, a loss of someone close, however we label an event, positive or negative, it will create within us, a flow of emotions, stress, doubts, fears, sadness, over-excitement, great joy. This is our nature as human beings, to feel everything deeply.

Importance of implementing rituals in your daily life

I recently realized the importance of my own rituals to stay grounded, whatever change I face.

In the middle of the chaos, there are still things I can control, I am the guardian of my inner peace, if I put my attention on little actions that bring me equanimity.  

Rituals are as various as there are human beings on earth, there is no one magical recipe that work for us all, which is mostly the case when we talk about holistic medicine in general, it is all about finding what works for you, at the moment you need it. Finding the tools to support your emotional well-being. 

Finding the tools to support your emotional well-being

Here my non-exhaustive list of rituals that actually work for me to stay grounded at all time.

Meditation, movement (yoga, dance), walking barefoot in nature, playing volleyball, my cup of coffee with coconut oil in the morning, cooking fresh foods, learning something new, reading 15 min a day, pausing and being aware of my breath, taking a hot bath with essential oils, self-beauty care, cup of cacao 100%, receiving a massage, talking authentically to a friend, petting a dog or cat...

Hoping that this will give you a bit of inspiration for creating your own rituals or to give awareness to the rituals you already do without knowing, that bring you a sense of tranquility and peace.

Remember, you are the one in charge of your own peace & happiness, it all comes from within.


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