My awakening to Yoga

Once upon a time

In 2018, I was living in Paris, working in international business industry. Yoga was not yet part of my life. I tried few times before, but I did not get, at that moment, the essence of it. Like a lot of people, I saw it as a practice to stay fit & move my body. At this period of my life, I was missing sense. Looking for a meaning, a purpose for the actions I was doing & why I was doing them. I could feel inside me that I had an energy that I was not using properly but without proper guidance, I did not know how to use it. 

A trip to reconnect with myself

The only right option for me that arise, was to leave on a journey with myself, travel on my own, exploring the world but also exploring my own boundaries. It has been a journey, my travel happened right during Covid & I had to adapt & change all my original plans. I had to been through period of fears & doubts during this uncertain time. My awakening of yoga appeared in Nicaragua in 2020. I decided to spend my time there, witnessing how Covid was changing the world. Fortunately, I was not alone, surrounded by other travelers like me who were not ready to give up on their lifetime dream. This time became a perfect moment for introspection work. The world was on pause, so do I. Instead of travelling & exploring, I settled myself on a beach town by the Pacific coast, Playa Maderas and took advantage of this time to learn something new. Yoga. I have never been so disciplined before, I had hard time to focus, I was impatient, always on movement. And here I was exploring opposite energies. Welcoming discipline, awareness of the body, stillness, slowing down the disturbances of the mind. It just made so much sense. My whole being was welcoming this new wisdom like a solution to fill the hole I had inside me. From that moment, I had to know more about this practice. I had to understand how far I could go. I was deeply curious to explore the possibilities that Yoga can offer.  So, from fighting the world I was now feeling, from looking out for answers, I was looking in for solutions, from searching for goals, here I found a path, from the ways of the world to the way of yoga. 

First Yoga Teacher training in Greece

My first yoga teacher training happened in October 2020, two years from now, in Greece, in a beautiful & mystic island, Amorgos. My school was Yoga Academy International, I knew some of the teachers already through my stay in Nicaragua, and I felt it was the right choice for me. To reach this island, no airport, you must take a ferry from Athens. A 9-hour-long ride. What a journey already, but it is completely worth it. Amorgos was this kind of little Greek island where you feel time stopped. Disconnected from the active & dynamic world. People like to take their time there, nothing rush. And you cannot deny the gift of the surrounding nature, beauty of Mother earth, blue sky, crystal clear water, wild goats living their best life on semidesert bushes. The Hotel we stayed was also beautiful with a stunning view on the sea. 

We started our training, and I met lovely classmates from different nationalities that will become soon great & long-lasting friends. 

But Covid was still around

But Covid was still at the corner, and soon the news was out again. Confinement was back in Europe, right in the middle of my training. Lucky us, Hotels were still allowed to stay open, but they were refusing new guests. So, we could finally stay & finished our yoga teacher training.

This negative event turned out to be a positive one. As everything was closed around, we had all the time to stay focus on our learning, no useless distractions but a reconnection with simple things. Taking time to explore nature, to read, to meditate, to practice, to build connection with people around you. It just opened more doors in my head & I started to visualize how my future could become if I decided to follow that path. After 6 intense but uplifting weeks, I came back to France in November 2020, readier than ever to start my journey as a yoga teacher.

Until now, I am living my best life, align with myself. Of course, I am still facing difficulties sometimes, but my heart is full, and I know I took the right path for me.

In life, it might take time to find your genius talent, but we all have skills.

Never doubt your intuition, it will lead you where you suppose to belong.


Find my interview in French about my journey to yoga on Spotify


Letter to Myself


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