Letter to Myself

Have you ever tried this exercise to write a letter to your future self that you won't open before at least a year?

Last year, after I organized my first yoga retreat, I wrote a letter to me. Yesterday, after my 4th yoga retreat, I opened it. Here are my words:

Dear Flo,

I am writing you this letter, right after the first yoga retreat we made. I do not know where you will be by the time you read this letter again, but I wanted to remind you that you are amazingly brave. Keep fighting for your dreams & living the life of freedom you want to. Maybe you find love since, maybe not, but you are enough & you are perfect the way you are. I am so proud of us & what we achieved. Keep your beautiful light & energy & spread it to the world as much as you can. Be grateful of what we have right now. If you still have sometimes fears & doubt, do not forget that nothing is permanent.

Let yourself flowing without resisting into our next chapter of life.

From my heart to yours,

With Love.



Be your first Best friend


Happy 2 years in my new path


My awakening to Yoga