4 reasons why I believe our upcoming retreat will be a transformational moment

Life reconversion

For the newcomers to this blog, my name is Floriane, but please call me Flo. I am a French yoga teacher and wellness therapist, that live in Puerto Escondido, Mexico for the past 3 years. I am also one of this people that change completely their life, from a stressful international work in office in Paris, France to a peaceful life by the pacific coast of Mexico, teaching yoga and well-being practices to people who feel the need.

The journey has been full of adventure, also of up and downs. I was navigating blindly in the ebbs and flow of my life. I knew what I did not want anymore, but not what I clearly wanted. Likewise, I was ready for exploration and to surrender to a next chapter of life, trusting my intuition that it will lead me where I should belong.

The challenge was to face the perpetual fears and doubts, always questioning my decisions. With time, I understood that I did not have to figure it out everything before taking a step. Also, solutions will come on the way, at the right time. This mindset leaded me to something beautiful, that even overcome all my expectations. I found a life’s mission in the holistic and wellness path, guiding others to find their own healing tools, to connect or re-connect their mind, spirit, and body together.

Today, I feel aligned and at peace, ready to be at service of others that they could find also what animate them, releasing old or negative patterns, that stand between them and their wholeness.

A space for transformation

It is with this intention, that I associated myself with wild women tribe, to organize a retreat, a safe space for women to go through a transformational journey.

Today, I would like to share 4 reasons with you why I truly believe that our upcoming retreat in January 2024, in Mazunte, Mexico will be a transformational and life-changing moment.

First one – You will meet a warm, welcoming, supportive, and free spirit community of women, that will feel like being part of a big family. You will build a tribe with a sisterhood of like-minded women who love the outdoors and travel. You will join a safe place without being judged to start or keep exploring your healing journey through a wide range of practice and activities.

Second one- It is not one but FOUR FACILITATORS that will bring their own unique experience, energy, skills to you from a place of love, with this intention of helping you to shed away an old version of yourself and to blossom as your unique and authentic-self. I do not have enough words to express the true gifted talent of these women, so I invite you to read it by yourself here.

Furthermore, in this retreat, we won’t find a traditional teacher/student relationship, all facilitators will fully participate in all activities and practices. We do believe that we are all one, and together in unity we will heal and grow.

Third one-The wildness and beauty of Mexico’s southern Pacific Coast summon you to usher in winds of change. Our private home will be nestled in the jungle on the coast of Oaxaca, in a sweet little beach town called Mazunte, with its vibrant shops, beach access, and restaurants. An unforgettable setting of Mexico’s magical tropical beach landscape and luxuriant nature. Are you ready for adventure and exploration?

Fourth one-The wild range of activities and healing practices will fill your days. Sound & vibration will play a pivotal role in this transformational retreat. We will move our bodies in somatic awareness exercises set to music, activate our voices through song and spoken word, heal and integrate with sound bath meditations, and allow Mother Nature’s noises & musicality to weave a tapestry of sonic textures.

Nourishing and fresh local cuisine will fuel us as we stretch our bodies in daily morning yoga, mindful hikes and outdoor explorations. We’ll cleanse in a traditional Temazcal sweat lodge, harness our breath to connect with our bodies, and get back into our bodies through somatic explorations, dance and movement. Adventures will take us to the towns of Mazunte and neighboring San Augustinillo, where we will explore artisan markets, ecotourism activities, local cuisine and soak in the ambiance of these Mexican beach pueblitos.

If this is talking to you, it might be the right time for you to follow your intuition, and gift yourself a magical transformational retreat with like-minded women like you.

I also know that our financial situations sometimes can also be on the way on life-time changing decision. Be aware that we propose different payment conditions, for example, pay your deposit only and the rest after the retreat, in monthly payment without extra fees. The goal is to find a fair deal for everyone, and we are open to talk and listen about any triggers that stop you to join us. Feel free to organize a discovery call and I cannot wait you join me in this beautiful journey.

All info, details, and price on this link.

From my heart to yours,

Love, Flo



Who wants to join us on a Women’s yoga retreat in January 2025?


Why I decided to ask for help to keep growing in the wellness path