Who wants to join us on a Women’s yoga retreat in January 2025?

In our modern world, we are getting so busy or distracted that we are missing what is happening in the present moment. There are a lot to think about, our work, families, hopes, dreams, fears, that sometimes, we forget to pausing. And taking the time to ask ourselves, what are my deepest desires? What direction I want to take with my life?

If you have this feeling of emptiness in your life, feeling lost about your future, knowing what you do not want to do anymore, but having no clear idea what you actually want…

I was like you. You might need a fresh start, an invitation to reset your mind & body, and change your perspective of seeing things, to manifest new opportunities to come in your way.

A transformational women retreat is the perfect container to take this time for you. 

Through the exploration of different healing practices, you will work deeply on yourself, reaching different layers and maybe finding some answers you were wandering. You will also connect with like-minded women like you, finding the support and comprehension that you might miss in your current life.

With Wild women tribe, we found the perfect place to hold our next upcoming retreat this January 2025.

Close your eyes and visualize, a magically wild, well-preserved nature of the pacific coast of Mexico, full of beautiful beaches and breathtaking sunsets. This place is called Mazunte, a cute little seaside village off the Oaxacan coast.

Start your new year off with renewed intention setting and in the company of a likeminded, curious and compassionate sisterhood of women like you.

This retreat includes:

  • 4 night accommodation

  • 3 meals a day

  • Yoga classes every day

  • Workshops, journaling exercises, vocal activation

  • Sound bath

  • Cacao ceremony, ancient ritual inspired by the Maya

  • Temazcal, traditional Mexican sweat lodge

  • Adventure time : Dolphins, whales boat tour, visit of protected Mangroves with Crocodiles

There is some moment in life that cannot be explained by words, but must be experienced,

If these words are resonated with you, feel free to reach out, we still have early bird prices.

Rewild your life, women yoga retreat, open to 14 spots happening from January 15-19, 2025, that will set you on a path to growth and transformation.

More info here! Do not hesitate to ask for a discovery call.


The importance of rituals in your life, or how to stay grounded when you face change.


4 reasons why I believe our upcoming retreat will be a transformational moment