Why I decided to ask for help to keep growing in the wellness path

Hardship in paradise

I love living in Puerto Escondido, Mexico, it is a beautiful place with a great community. However, this place is seasonal, and we have a low season because of heavy rains. This year was specifically low and took the tourism industry by surprise.

Which led me to face a difficult financial situation, that brought me stress and anxiety. I had perpetual negative voices in my head that were saying :

No one will help you

No one cares

You are on your own

You should do something else

You are not good enough 

What people are going to think ?

How dare you asking for help

Say No to these voices

After a long moment of reflection, I said no to these voices. We do not have to believe all the stories in our head. 

Today, I have decided to ask for help to keep persevering in my holistic path.

Naturally our mind has been trained to make some stories in our head, to make some assumptions on what the future is going to be, and most of the time, we tend to think about not the brightest version of it. Listening to these negative voices, make us fear to take decisions, to take actions. We freeze, stay inactive, and we stay in the safest option we know. Instead of what if something bad happened, I could change the storyline in my head by what if something good happens ?

What if actually I am not alone, what if people do care, what if people help me...

Raising the vibrations, manifesting positive outcomes and changing fears and doubts with love and trust. Becoming the change I want to see in this world, starting by being honest and vulnerable without shame.

Say it out loud when I need help.

So, today I am brave, I let go my ego and fear of judgment, and I am telling you my truth, I am today facing financial hardship and need a little extra support, will you help me ?

Love, Flo


If you would like to provide me financial support, I have created a GoFundMe page.


If you cannot help financially for now, of course, no obligation and no worries. Any warm, loving and supporting comments and thoughts are also welcome.

If you have taken any yoga classes, sound healing and/or cacao ceremony with me and would like to share how you have felt, now it is also the time;

May the love and generosity you share around you, come back to you a 7th time bigger. 



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