Bring colors into your life

Or how I start to wear colorful outfits

I always believe in the importance of learning something new once in a while. Recently, I also realize something else as impactful as this advice to follow. Wear something colorful once in a while.

Colors have been seen in a lot of different modern cultures as extravagant, different, too much, attention seekers.

Often described negatively.

When I was living in France, in Paris, I was only wearing black, gray, brown, dark shades outfits.

Because I thought I liked it. 

The moment of realization

But one day, I open my eyes. It was not me, I was trained to conform to a mold, to not attract attention to me. I was trained to be afraid to be seen, to be exposed to other's people eyes & what they are going to think about me. I know now, it was just a game of mind, unconscious internal restrictions. Slowly I started to free myself from this fake belief.

Benefits to bring colors into your life

Ask yourself what I would actually love to wear if no one was watching me ? It will already give you some tips on where to start. Time to free yourself from what other people think & reconnect with the deep desire inside you.

Wearing colors has a lot of benefits to our mood, increasing joy, fighting symptoms of mental issues.

You can even do some color therapy that will use colored lights & project them to some part of your body, resulting in a positive impact on the area targeted.

Healing tools are everywhere if we open our mind. 

These words are an invitation to question yourself on your limited beliefs & maybe to bring a bit of colors into your life !

Love, Flo


Working on our shadows


Tribute to my ancestors