Tribute to my ancestors

More I study the past & learn about history and more I feel the need to say thank you.

Thank you to my ancestors, the generations that came before me.

Thank you for the fight you did, for your love of freedom, that I could become free today, as an independent woman.

Free of my movements, to travel & explore alone new countries & continents, free to speak my truth, ask questions & share my emotions freely. Free to love who I want to love, free to become the person I want to become, to do a work I love because I could. Free to believe that I have everything already inside me to follow my dreams, that I am more than enough as a woman (smart, strong, brave).

I feel that it is my duty, to heal your sorrow, to live fully this freedom, to enjoy it as much as I can, to honor the past, to honor you, the ones that make it possible now, in this world, in this reality, blossoming as the flower of my ancestors.

Even my name is strangely connected. Floriane, from the Latin Florianus, that means, to blossom, to bloom, to flourish... Slowly, I start to see the interconnection between all things, all events. I must accept & embrace it the way it comes to me.

Therefore, to all the ancient generations that fight for more freedom, I tell them thank you for your legacy. It was not in vain & I will do everything I can, with everything I have, from the bottom of my heart, to give also in return to the next generation, a better world to live in.

“ Love is freedom, Love gives freedom. Love lives in freedom.” 



Bring colors into your life


Happy 2 years in my new path