Working on our shadows

“The brighter the light, the darker the shadow”

Dualities, inevitable. One cannot live without the other.
To find balance means that sometimes we have to face our shadow side.

We all have one.
Avoiding it, not dealing with it, means we are repressing a side of us.

Not expressing a dark side of us can bring tensions, frustration, stress, anxiety, depression...
It is not easy & certainly not pleasant but working on our shadows, does not mean we have to believe that all the stories in our heads are true.
It means acknowledging them, that it is ok, sometimes to complain, to feel angry, sad, upset, disappointed, anxious or not liking someone behavior.

We are humans and there is no right or wrong emotions if there are expressed in a healthy way, without judgments, without trying to change anything.
Accepting them the way they come to you. Staying in the sensation and asking yourself why do I feel like this, what are the triggers, what does this emotion try to teach me on this particular situation?

After all, emotions are energies in motion, they must flow, they must be released. And soon, with kindness and patience for yourself, you will be able to find again, your inner harmony.


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