Happy 2 years in my new path

In a few days, I will fulfill 2 years living in Puerto Escondido, Mexico.
2 years of creating the life I was dreaming of. I won't lie, it was not easy. I doubted myself so many times on the path I was taking. And although I was surrounded by great people & friends, sometimes I felt lonely.
So today, I would like to thank anyone that cross my path & brought me any emotional support & wisdom when I needed it. And I would like to thank me for not giving up, to keep visualizing & manifesting the person I would like to become. A person with a big heart, ready to support & help anyone that feels a need for guidance to find a more balance & happy life.
Whatever I will become, I understand now that it is all about the journey rather than the destination. May this year to come bring you more clarity & connection to your own deep desires & dreams.
From my heart to yours, with Love


Tribute to my ancestors


Letter to Myself